tirsdag 25. november 2008

Upgrading UC 520

Seems that when you are upgrading the UC520 software via CCA, you need to turn off AAA via tacacs to make the upgrade work. I had problems with an upgrade on an UC520 that uses tacacs+ for level 15 authentication, and I couldn't upgrade the box, even if http auth was set to local, until I had turned off tacacs for level 15 access.

Also CCA needs to be running on an XP box for CUE upgrade to work.

I was running CCA version 1.8 and upgrading to UC520 7.0.1-EA

tirsdag 11. november 2008

Cisco UC500 - Music on Hold port

When configuring music on hold on the Cisco UC 500, CME will use the configured moh file as long as nothing sends signals on the moh jack port. When the UC 500 recieves sound on the moh port, it will change the moh to whatever comes in on the moh port.